Ah bee bee, today the result came back with not good news. It is not the case we hope for. It will be struggling decision by Daddy and Mummy.
Dr. Hon send message to mummy in morning stated the lab result is no good. Mummy and daddy had a brief talk at lunch time. I know mummy is feeling sad, so as daddy too.
Down Syndrome is not a good news for us. We love you, Ah bee bee.
Dr. Hon早上给妈咪发信息说实验室结果不好。妈咪和爸爸在午餐时间进行了简短的交谈。我知道妈咪也和爸爸一样感到难过。
唐氏综合症对我们来说不是一个好消息。我们爱你,Ah bee bee.