Ah bee bee. It is Wednesday again. Tomorrow daddy is going back from sg to jb. I will bring mummy to gleneagle on Friday morning for checkup.
hope everything is good and smooth. Last few days, I was meeting many old friends since 2 years lock down. It is so nice to meet everyone again.
one of my ex colleagues is heading back relocation to Sydney. It was a great partnership since 4-5 years ago. There are many people changing jobs recently. Maybe due to tire of same role and environment. They would like to change to create new excitement and challenge for life.
mummy is feeling nausea recently. I already order some candies from oversea. It will deliver to house next week. Hope it will help mummy.
My father and mother recently medical checkup report not that great. Hope it will improve to better. I have advise them to be more selective on the food intake.
Ah bee bee. I hope everyone is healthy and happy. Have a great and wonderful time. I will continue to chant for you and family members.